Help your child unlock their healthiest future

RESET Pediatric Lifestyle Medicine is a multi-specialty, collaborative, healthcare organization that provides evidence-based, personalized treatments for chronic disease prevention, treatment, and reversal.

We use the latest medical knowledge, digital technologies, and health coaching to help your child achieve greater health, vitality, and joy.

Is your child struggling with health issues? An athlete looking to up their game? A mostly-healthy kid ready to level up?

Everybody can benefit from a RESET. And we all know that even small changes can make a big difference! At RESET, you and your child will work with a pediatrician and a wonderful Care Team of healthcare professionals to understand your child’s unique needs and build a plan that is right for them. 

RESET uses lifestyle medicine principles to help:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Athletic Performance
  • Behavioural challenges (child/teen)
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Digital addiction
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Dysmenorrhea / cramps
  • Eczema/Dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity 
  • Plant-based nutrition counselling
  • Prenatal health (for parents-to-be)
  • Sleep hygiene (infant/child/teen)
  • Type 2 Diabetes

The Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine 


Michael Polland said, “Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” It sounds simple but we know that it’s not always easy to get your kids to eat their veggies. Together we can help you find a plant-based diet that fits your child’s needs.


Today, we are more connected–and more isolated–than ever before. Help your child foster positive social connections that improve their mental health and deepen their self-confidence.


We know that they’re more likely to be counting Pokemon than sheep before bed. Harness the power of restorative sleep to improve your child’s energy levels, attention span, physical development, mood, and more.


The best habits are built early. Leverage proven research to manage your child’s dependence on screen time, addictive foods, and other substances to promote their overall wellbeing. 


Manage that monkey mind! Empower your child to manage negative stress factors and help lessen their anxiety, depression, and immune dysfunction.


Movement is medicine. But when it comes to screen time, we know that the struggle is real! Together we can find ways to motivate your child to move their bodies and focus their energy in a healthy way.

The RESET Approach

Get a Referral

First, your child will need a referral to see the pediatrician at RESET. You can either get referred to our practice by your family doctor or pediatrician.

Complete Medical History

Once your child’s referral is accepted into the RESET program, we will send you an intake form to fill out. Please take your time to complete the form thoroughly.

Depending on the reason your child is coming to RESET, you may be asked to take them for blood work to help us to better understand their needs. This is an important first step in your child’s care.

One-on-One Consult

Once we have all of your child’s information, we will set up an appointment for your child to meet the RESET pediatrician. This can be virtually or in person.

At this one-on-one consult, the pediatrician will meet with you and your child to discuss your child’s health and work together to build a care plan.

Care Plan

Based on your child’s condition and circumstance, they may:

  • Be enrolled in a Health Optimization program where they may receive support from their Care Team to optimize their meal-planning, sleep, physical activity plan, mental health and social connections
  • The Care Team may include: pediatrician, plant-based dieticians, social workers, exercise therapists, physiotherapists, wellness coaches, alternative healthcare providers, and others, where applicable
  • Join group counselling sessions to learn alongside other families with similar circumstances
  • Be asked to set SMART family goals and keep a record of their meals, exercise, sleep, screen time, mood, stress, and other lifestyle measures to review during follow-up appointments
  • Receive a Family Activity checklist, which could include viewing educational content, going for nature walks, completing cooking challenges, daily meditations, and more

Follow Up

Partnership with your child’s Care Team–expect to see progress over time. How often and how long your child will participate in the RESET program will depend on their reason for joining the program.

Over time, your child will return to their primary care provider for continual assessment.

Read FAQs
Throughout and after the RESET program, you and your child may have the opportunity to attend family education, exercise and meditation sessions with special guests.

Get your referral to RESET today!

Let RESET Pediatric Lifestyle Medicine help your child reach their health goals.